

Curious about the bots that power my streams? Here's a glimpse into their world:

Twitch Bot Icon Twitch Bot

I've got this bot I made myself. It's got some stuff like a custom chat overlay, interactive features, mediashare, and some commands. It's not perfect, but hey, it's mine.

Discord Bot Icon Discord Bot

If you've hung out on my Discord server, chances are you've met my (un)reliable Discord bot. It's got LivePings, "+" commands, and slash commands to spice things up.

Another Twitch annoyance

Curious about what my Twitch bot can do? Here's a glimpse into its features:

Custom Commands

Access a variety of fun commands prefixed with ! by typing them in chat. Need help? Just type !help to see all available commands.


These interactions can display images, play sounds, or perform both actions. Some interactions can be targeted by mentioning a specific user in the command, like ![interaction name] @[username].

Explore all interactions by typing !interact Interaction overlay

Custom Chat Overlay

Enjoy a customized chat overlay that includes nicknames and pronouns. You can change your nickname using !nick [new nickname]. Pronouns are loaded from Of course, overlay also displays 7TV emotes! Go type bla in chat :3

Custom chat overlay

Mediashare Functionality

Want to request YouTube songs and videos? Just use !request followed by a YouTube link or search term for videos, which will display the video. If you prefer just audio, go for !sr - it hides the video for songs or content tagged as music from YouTube.

Integrated Controls

The browser-accessible control panel offers control over features, mediashare, music and stream information. Simple, and all in one place.

Streamer's controlls

Streamer's Chat with TTS

Connect with the comunity while focused on content thanks to sleak chat view with TTS for each message. All events that happen on stream included. Someone timed out? You see it. Channel point request? Bet.


Twitch bot EULA

Shittiest Discord bot ever

If you're curious about the capabilities of my Discord bot, look no further. Here's a breakdown of its features:


Simple Pings for streams with mentions of appropriate role that you can get in the #roles-and-channels onboarding questionare.

  • Sends an embed with current stream info whenever a member with role @active-streamer goes live in #live-ping channel
  • Updates this message if stream title or category changes, and updates the preview
  • When the stream goes offline, removes the preview and updates the message to say how long the stream was and when it ended
LivePing feature

Plus commands

Plus commands like +weather, +timestamp, and more. Works both in servers and through DMs. You can use +help to see all documented commands!

Plus commands preview

Slash Commands

Few slash commands such as /exchange for currency conversion and /convert for unit conversions. Nothing fancy, but good enough for me. Don't have many ideas.

Slash command preview


Discord bot EULA